<template> <div class="report"> <div class="report_header"><div class="report_header_back iconfont" @click="handleBackClick"></div>购物趋势图</div> <div class="report_content"> <div class="report_content_title">购物统计报告</div> <div class="report_content_index"> <span class="arrow-up"> <svg data-v-666af9e5="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="angle-up" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 320 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-angle-up fa-w-10"><path data-v-666af9e5="" fill="currentColor" d="M177 159.7l136 136c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L160 255.9l-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 329.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l136-136c9.4-9.5 24.6-9.5 34-.1z"></path></svg> </span> <span class="percentage">34<span>%</span></span> <span class="text">+14,400</span> </div> <div class="report_content_chart" id="chart" /> <div class="report_content_circle"> <div :class="['circle', selected === index ? 'active' : '']" v-for="(item ,index) of circles" :key="index" @click="handleClickCircle(index)" /> </div> <div class="report_content_bottom">购物趋势</div> </div> <div class="report_footer"> <div class="report_footer_content"> <div class="left"> <div class="left_title">购物额</div> <div class="left_sub_title">累计购物额</div> </div> <div class="right"> <small>¥</small> 300,254.00 </div> </div> <div class="report_footer_progress"> <div class="progress_background"> <div class="progress_current" :style="{ width: `${progress * 100}%` }"></div> </div> </div> <div class="report_footer_text"> <div>购物增长率</div> <div>34%</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { ref, onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue' import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import * as Echarts from 'echarts' const useChangeShowItem = (selected, getChart) => { const handleClickCircle = (index) => { selected.value = index getChart() } const changeShowItem = (index) => { handleClickCircle(index) } return { handleClickCircle, changeShowItem } } export default { name: 'Report', setup () { const router = useRouter() const circles = Array(3).fill('') const selected = ref(0) const timer = ref(null) const progress = ref(0.35) const getChart = () => { // 获取数据源 const mockData = [] for (let iii = 0; iii < 10; iii++) { mockData.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 200)) } // 获取Chart => DOM const chartDOM = document.getElementById('chart') // 初始化echarts对象 const Chart = Echarts.init(chartDOM) // 生成渲染参数 const options = { xAxis: { type: 'category', // 坐标轴类型 show: false // 坐标轴显示 }, yAxis: { min: 0, // 最小值 max: 350, // 最大值 show: false }, series: [{ data: mockData, type: 'line', smooth: true, // 平滑 areaStyle: { // 区域颜色 color: 'rgba(75, 193, 252, .5)' }, lineStyle: { // 线的颜色2 width: 3, color: 'rgba(75, 193, 252, 1)' }, itemStyle: { // 点样式 color: 'rgba(75, 193, 252, 1)' }, symbolSize: 8 // 点大小 }], grid: { // 设置负数可以扩张延伸 top: 0, bottom: 0, left: -30, right: -30 }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', // 如何触发 axisPointer: { // tooltip类型 type: 'cross', label: { backgroundColor: '#6a7985' // tooltip触发线背景颜色 } } } } // 渲染图表 Chart.setOption(options) } const { handleClickCircle, changeShowItem } = useChangeShowItem(selected, getChart) onMounted(() => { getChart() timer.value = setInterval(() => { changeShowItem(++selected.value > 2 ? 0 : selected.value) }, 3000) }) onUnmounted(() => { if (timer.value) clearInterval(timer.value) }) const handleBackClick = () => { router.back() } return { handleBackClick, circles, selected, progress, handleClickCircle } } } </script>
<div class="icons__item" :style="{ top: `${index <= 4 ? 36 : 111}px`, left: leftPosition(index) }" v-for="(item, index) of homeIconsList" :key="item.desc" @touchstart="handleTouchstart($event)" @touchmove="handleTouchMove($event, index)" @touchend="handleTouchend($event, index)" > <img class="icons__item__img" :src="`http://www.dell-lee.com/imgs/vue3/${ item.imgName }.png`" /> <p class="icons__item__desc">{{ item.desc }}</p> </div> const useMethods = (homeIconsList, e) => { const handleTouchstart = (e) => { const element = e.targetTouches[0] e.currentTarget.style.opacity = 0.5 client.x = element.clientX // 鼠标落点初始位置 client.y = element.clientY // 鼠标落点初始位置 client.left = element.target.getBoundingClientRect().left // getBoundingClientRect用于获取某个元素相对于视窗的位置集合。集合中有top, right, bottom, left等属性。 client.top = element.target.getBoundingClientRect().top } const handleTouchMove = (e, index) => { const element = e.targetTouches[0] // 当前鼠标落点加上元素自身左边距上边距 const left = element.clientX - 35 const top = element.clientY - 270 // 移动当前元素 e.currentTarget.style.left = `${left}px` e.currentTarget.style.top = `${top}px` } const handleTouchend = (e, index) => { const end = { x: e.changedTouches[0].clientX, y: e.changedTouches[0].clientY } e.currentTarget.style.opacity = 1 const width = document.getElementsByClassName('icons')[0].offsetWidth const positionX = parseInt(end.x / width * 10) let positionY = 1 if (index <= 4) { if (end.y - client.y < 30) { positionY = 1 } else { positionY = 2 } } else if (index > 4) { if (end.y - client.y < 0) { positionY = 1 } else { positionY = 2 } } let position = 0 if (positionX <= 1) { if (positionY === 1) { position = 0 } else { position = 5 } } else if (positionX <= 3) { if (positionY === 1) { position = 1 } else { position = 6 } } else if (positionX <= 5) { if (positionY === 1) { position = 2 } else { position = 7 } } else if (positionX <= 7) { if (positionY === 1) { position = 3 } else { position = 8 } } else if (positionX <= 9) { if (positionY === 1) { position = 4 } else { position = 9 } } const item = homeIconsList.value[index] homeIconsList.value.splice(index, 1) homeIconsList.value.splice(position, 0, item) store.commit('changeHomeIconsList', homeIconsList.value) } return { handleTouchstart, handleTouchMove, handleTouchend } }
<template> <div class="icons__item" :style="{ top: `${index <= 4 ? 36 : 111}px`, left: leftPosition(index) }" v-for="(item, index) of homeIconsList" :key="item.desc" @touchstart="handleTouchstart($event)" @touchend="handleTouchend($event, index)" > <img class="icons__item__img" :src="`http://www.dell-lee.com/imgs/vue3/${ item.imgName }.png`" /> <p class="icons__item__desc">{{ item.desc }}</p> </div> </template> <script> import { reactive, toRefs } from 'vue' import { useStore } from 'vuex' export default { name: 'User', components: { Docker }, setup () { const store = useStore() const client = reactive({ x: 0, y: 0 }) const { homeIconsList } = toRefs(store.state) const { handleLogoutClick } = useLogoutEffect() const handleTouchstart = (e) => { const element = e.targetTouches[0] client.x = element.clientX client.y = element.clientY } return { handleLogoutClick, handleTouchstart } } } </script> <style scoped> </style>