Problem H - Yuezheng Ling and

H. Yuezheng Ling and Dynamic Tree

time limit per test: 1.5 seconds

memory limit per test: 256 megabytes

input: standard input

output: standard output

Yuezheng Ling gives Luo Tianyi a tree which has n nodes, rooted at 1.

Luo Tianyi will tell you that the parent of the i-th node is ai (1≤ai<i for 2≤i≤n), and she will ask you to perform q queries of 2 types:

  • She’ll give you three integers l, r and x (2≤l≤r≤n, 1≤x≤10^5). You need to replace ai with max(ai−x,1) for all i with l≤i≤r.
  • She’ll give you two integers u, v (1≤u,v≤n). You need to find the LCA of nodes u and v (their lowest common ancestor).


The first line contains two integers n and q (2≤n,q≤10^5) — the number of nodes and the number of queries, respectively.

The second line contains n−1 integers a2,a3,…,an (1≤ai<i), where ai is the parent of the node i.

Next q lines contain queries. For each query, the first integer of each line is t (t=1 or 2) — the type of the query.

If t=1, this represents the query of the first type. Then, three integers will follow: l, r, x (2≤l≤r≤n, 1≤x≤10^5), meaning that you have to replace ai with max(ai−x,1) for all i with l≤i≤r.

If t=2, this represents the query of the second type. Then, two integers will follow: u and v (1≤u,v≤n), and you have to find the LCA of u and v.

It’s guaranteed that there is at least one query of the second type.


For each query of the second type output answer on a new line.



6 4
1 2 3 3 4
2 3 4
1 2 3 1
2 5 6
2 2 3




The tree in example is shown below.

After the query of the first type, the tree changes and is looking as shown below.





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