Xdebug installed: no
Server API: Apache 2.0 Handler
Windows: no
Zend Server: no
PHP Version: 5.6.30
Zend API nr: 220131226
PHP API nr: 20131226
Debug Build: no
Thread Safe Build: no
OPcache Loaded: no
Configuration File Path: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc
Configuration File: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/php.ini
Extensions directory: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226
PHP version 5.6 is not supported.
The wizard could not help in your situation, so please read the installation documentation. If the wizard indicated that your current PHP version is not supported, please see whether there is a file available for download or compilation on the download page.
If you like Xdebug, and thinks it saves you time and money, please have a look at the donation page.