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看了波波老师讲的链表,自己Objective-C写了一个 发现,最多只能存放800个元素,存放多了后很多节点丢失了,而且当 LinkedList 释放时候 ,内部的所有 Node 节点会出现崩溃 ,不知道是同时创建了大量的 autorelease 对象释放内存问题还是因为其他原因,当存放数据800以下时 链表在释放时候么有任何问题,不会存在节点丢失.



//  LinkedList.m

//  ArrayList


//  Created by dzb on 2018/8/3.

//  Copyright © 2018 大兵布莱恩特. All rights reserved.


#import "LinkedList.h"

@interface Node < ObjectType > : NSObject


@property (nonatomic,strong) ObjectType object;


@property (nonatomic,strong) Node <ObjectType > *next;

+ (instancetype) nodeWithObject:(ObjectType)object nextNode:(Node <ObjectType> *)next;

+ (instancetype) nodeWithObject:(ObjectType)object;

- (instancetype) initWithObject:(ObjectType)object nextNode:(Node <ObjectType> *)next;


@implementation Node

+ (instancetype)nodeWithObject:(id)object {

return [Node nodeWithObject:object nextNode:nil];


+ (instancetype)nodeWithObject:(id)object nextNode:(Node *)next {

return [[Node alloc] initWithObject:object nextNode:next];


- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object nextNode:(Node *)next {

if (self = [super init]) {

self.object = object;

self.next = next;


return self;


- (NSString *)description {

return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Node : %p , object : %@",self,self.object];



@interface LinkedList ()


@property (nonatomic,strong) Node *dummyHead;


@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger size;


@implementation LinkedList

- (instancetype)init


self = [super init];

if (self) {

self.dummyHead = [[Node alloc] init];

self.size = 0;


return self;


- (void)addObjectAtFirst:(id)object {

// Node *node = [Node nodeWithObject:object nextNode:self.head];

// self.head = node;

// self.size++;

[self addObject:object atIndex:0];


- (void)addObjectAtLast:(id)object {

[self addObject:object atIndex:self.size];


- (void)addObject:(id)object atIndex:(NSInteger)index {

if (index < 0 || index > self.count) {

@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"LinkedList is out of bounds" reason:@"Add failed. Illegal index." userInfo:nil];



Node *prev = self.dummyHead;

for (int i = 0; i< index; i++) {

prev = prev.next;


prev.next = [Node nodeWithObject:object nextNode:prev.next];



- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {

if (index < 0 || index >= self.count) {

@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"LinkedList is out of bounds" reason:@"Add failed. Illegal index." userInfo:nil];

return nil;


Node *cur = self.dummyHead.next;

for (int i = 0; i<index; i++) {

cur = cur.next;


return cur.object;


- (id)firstObject {

return [self objectAtIndex:0];


- (id)lastObject {

return [self objectAtIndex:self.count-1];


- (void)updateObject:(id)object atIndex:(NSInteger)index {

if (index < 0 || index >= self.count) {

@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"LinkedList is out of bounds" reason:@"Add failed. Illegal index." userInfo:nil];



Node *cur = self.dummyHead.next;

for (int i = 0; i<index; i++) {

cur = cur.next;


cur.object = object;


- (BOOL)containObject:(id)object {

Node *cur = self.dummyHead.next;

while (cur != NULL) {

if ([cur.object isEqual:object])

return YES;

cur = cur.next;


return NO;


- (id) removeObjectAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {

if (index < 0 || index >= self.count) {

@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"LinkedList is out of bounds" reason:@"Add failed. Illegal index." userInfo:nil];

return nil;


Node *prev = self.dummyHead;

for (int i = 0; i<index; i++) {

prev = prev.next;


Node *retNode = prev.next;

prev.next = retNode.next;

retNode.next = NULL;

return retNode.object;


- (id) removeFirstObject {

return [self removeObjectAtIndex:0];


- (id) removeLastObject {

return [self removeObjectAtIndex:self.count-1];


- (NSInteger)count {

return self.size;


- (NSString *)description {

NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"\nLinkedList %p : [ \n" ,self];

Node *cur = self.dummyHead.next;

while (cur != nil) {

[string appendFormat:@"%@ -> \n",cur];

cur = cur.next;


[string appendString:@"NULL\n"];

[string appendString:@"]\n"];

return string;


- (BOOL)isEmpty {

return self.count == 0;


- (void)dealloc




当有强引用指向这个链表时候 这个链表不会被释放 ,一旦么有强引用指向这个链表,这个链表就会被立即释放,我猜测可能跟大量创建了对象 在 release 时候有关系. 

于是我用 C 语言结构体按照波波老师java 的代码 实现了链表 没有出现数据丢失 和 链表释放时候出现莫名其妙堆栈错误 还没有任何打印信息

typedef id AnyObject;

typedef struct node {

__unsafe_unretained AnyObject data;

struct node *next;

} Node;

希望波波老师能够把我上边的代码 运行下 查找下具体原因.

- (void) testArray {

NSTimer *timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:3.0f target:self selector:@selector(test) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];

[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];

_timer = timer;

_timeArray = [NSMutableArray array];


- (void) test {

static int count = 0;

if (count > 9) {

[_timer invalidate];

_timer = nil;

NSLog(@"time is %@",[_timeArray valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.self"]);



dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{

CFAbsoluteTime startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();

int number = 100000;

Person *p = [Person new];

LinkedList <Person *> *linked = [[LinkedList alloc] init];

for (int i = 0; i<number; i++) {

[linked addObjectAtFirst:@(i)];



CFAbsoluteTime linkTime = (CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime);

CFTimeInterval duration = linkTime * 1000.0f;

NSLog(@"Linked in %f ms",duration);

// self->_linkedList = linked;

[self->_timeArray addObject:@(duration)];




正在回答 回答被采纳积分+3


liuyubobobo 2018-08-04 22:36:38




1 回复 有任何疑惑可以回复我~
  • 提问者 qq_叫兽_1 #1
    波波老师 我用 C 语言的结构体指针完成的链表实现 能够有效的管理 OC 引用计数 但是整体实现思路还是跟着波波老师讲的一样的.  虽然有点小郁闷 但是不影响最终实现的功能
    回复 有任何疑惑可以回复我~ 2018-08-05 12:44:06
  • liuyubobobo 回复 提问者 qq_叫兽_1 #2
    回复 有任何疑惑可以回复我~ 2018-08-05 13:38:19
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