kuberuntime_gc.go:153] Failed to stop sandbox "375813db404b5a24db40a799223287415b3a889ef80319bedfba25f668c1cd8c" before removing: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = NetworkPlugin cni failed to teardown pod "kubernetes-bootcamp-7db7b94fcf-x5wtb_default" network: failed to find plugin "calico" in path [/opt/calico/bin /software/k8s/bin]
Apr 15 21:05:21 k8s-node01 kubelet[25418]: W0415 21:05:21.798233 25418 cni.go:242] CNI failed to retrieve network namespace path: cannot find network namespace for the terminated container "2b07eea9c720d83da6bd2f119bca448e804fa6e430830d102b01bfb609363742"
Apr 15 21:05:21 k8s-node01 kubelet[25418]: E0415 21:05:21.798500 25418 cni.go:279] Error deleting network: failed to find plugin "calico" in path [/opt/calico/bin /software/k8s/bin]