index.js:1 [MSW] Detected outdated Service Worker: Currently active Service Worker (dc3d39c97ba52ee7fff0d667f7bc098c) is behind the latest published one (65d33ca82955e1c5928aed19d1bdf3f9).
The mocking is still enabled, but it’s highly recommended that you update your Service Worker by running:
$ npx msw init <PUBLIC_DIR>
This is necessary to ensure that the Service Worker is in sync with the library to guarantee its stability.
If this message still persists after updating, please report an issue: https://github.com/open-draft/msw/issues
console. @ index.js:1
online:3000/me?:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
localhost/:1 Uncaught (in promise) Object
auth-provider.ts:20 POST http://online:3000/login 500 (Internal Server Error)
请求 URL: http://online:3000/login
请求方法: POST
状态代码: 500 Internal Server Error (自service worker)
引用站点策略: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
解锁 React17 高阶用法,轻松应对大型复杂长周期项目