native.lib 参见官网的这个章节:
Plugin Configurations
With a new security enhancement in Azkaban 3.0, Azkaban jobs can now run as the submit user or the of the flow by default. This ensures that Azkaban takes advantage of the Linux permission security mechanism, and operationally this simplifies resource monitoring and visibility. Set up this behavior by doing the following:- is set to true by default. In case needed, it can also be configured to false in azkaban-plugin’s
Configure azkaban.native.lib= to the place where you are going to put the compiled execute-as-user.c file (see below)
Generate an executable on the Azkaban box for azkaban-common/src/main/c/execute-as-user.c. it should be named execute-as-user Below is a sample approach
scp ./azkaban-common/src/main/c/execute-as-user.c onto the Azkaban box
run: gcc execute-as-user.c -o execute-as-user
run: chown root execute-as-user (you might need root privilege)
run: chmod 6050 execute-as-user (you might need root privilege)